Orlando Buzzards
Meeting Minutes Dec 1st 2012.
Meeting began at 10:40am with President Raed apologizing for being a little late.
Present were: Raed Elazzawi, Gordon Buckland, Rick Eckel, Lewis Grey, Don Grisham, Don Dobbs, Lee Bailey, Jody Miller, Jeff Duval, John Graves, Dillon Graves,
Raed read the minutes of the Nov meeting and they were approved by Jody and 2nd by Don.
Lewis read the Treasurers Report and reported we have currently 27 members. He also provided a copy of the financials from the very successful Tangerine Contest which I have attached below.
The Tangerine saw income of $3,208.00 and expenses of $1,973.00 for a net profit of $1,235.00. Lewis said that this is just about the best result ever achieved by the Buzzards for a Tangerine. Raed thanked Jody and Gordon for the great cost saving job on the trophies and also thanked the ladies, Sheralyn, Kim and Tammy for assisting with the scoring and ticket sales etc.
Raed announced the changes in the club officers with equipment manager being deleted and the addition of a Safety Officer elected position which is to be filled by Gordon Buckland.
Raed announced that the FSS8 contest would be a “Toys for Tots” fund raiser event as agreed at last meeting and each pilot is to donate a toy of $10 or greater value each day instead of an entry fee. The date of the contest is Dec 15 at the SCC field and Dec 16 at the Barr Street field.
Don Grisham announced his ALES event at the Lakeland Fantasy of Flight field on Jan 26 and 27. UNL only with Exp and Spt classes. 3 trophys for each class each day and a Grand Champ award on Sunday.
Raed announced the San Felasco DLG event for Feb 15 and 16 and Gordon announced the Gator F3B event to be conducted at the IRKS field on Mar 1st, 2nd and 3rd. There are entries from Chile and Germany attending the contest.
Raed reported on the special meeting held by Larry Epifanio at the Christmas field. The issue of contest income and equipment maintenance was discussed and the fact the Buzzards want to keep this separate from the new club if we hold events there so we can maintain our winches etc. Raed encouraged us all to join the new club now for $50 to avoid the initiation fee to be applied later.
Rick Eckel moved a motion that we continue to pay for another 12 months of insurance and mowing at the SCC field while this new Christmas field is developed. Motion was seconded by Gordon. It was agreed that we would maintain Buzzards dues at $50 for 2013. It was discussed that we need to communicate more often on RCGroups and the yahoo website about us flying on Saturdays at the SCC field.
New members John Graves and Jeff Duval were nominated by Gordon Buckland and accepted by the club.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:40am
Tangerine 2012 Financial Report