The September meeting was held at the Christmas field and called to order at 10:00 am by president Raed Elazzawi. 6 members and 1 guest were present.
Minutes of the August meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer Lewis Gray presented his report, Roster lists 31 members.
Old Business
Mowing – Raed sent a sympathy card on behalf of the club to Alvin Lee’s family. Alvin’s son will take over mowing at the Oviedo college field. The Christmas field is scheduled for mowing by the county in mid-September. The runway area needs mowing but the whole area is too wet.
FSS#4 – Held successfully at Kenny World in Ocala with moderate turnout each day. Combining winch and ALES launches worked well.
Storage container – Raed is still searching for a suitable container but decent items are hard to find at reasonable prices.
Field shelter – Research is ongoing and will include carport type shelters.
F3J World Championships raffle – The club won a Mystique electric sailplane in this raffle. We will consider offering as a Tangerine raffle prize.
New Business
Tangerine – Raed preparations have begun. CDs will be Don Grisham (Friday ALES), Raed (Friday RES), Tom Galloway (Saturday Unlimited), Rick Eckel (tentative for Sunday Unlimited). Information is posted on RC Groups. There is ongoing discussion about LSF points when flying ALES and about AMA rules regarding skegs on ALES airplanes.
New members – Steve Blake was voted in as a member and we were introduced to Alec O’Conner who is very interested in joining.
Meeting was adjourned at about 1030.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway – Club secretary