Orlando Buzzards
Minutes for December 2021 Meeting
This meeting was held on December 18 at the Ft Christmas field and called to order at about 10 AM by president Raed Elazzawi. Approximately 16 members were present.
Minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer’s report was not available.
Old Business
Tangerine contest went OK, but income was lower than previous times. The club netted about $290 plus another $700 from the sale of a Supra that was donated by Rick Eckel. CD Raed expressed gratitude for all the help provided by Bill Staley and all the other helpers.
Toys for Tots contest collected 93 toys at the field. A club member donated $200 to buy more and so the total donation came to 112 toys. Raed sent a picture and info on the charity donation to the park management.
New Business
Safety issues: We will mount a first aid kit in the barn near the lawn mower. We plan to add a fire extinguisher there also.
Shared income: When other Florida soaring clubs hold contests using our field and/or equipment we will retain a portion of the contest fee income.
Gifts to park staff: The club provided Olive Garden $25 gift cards to the park staff as Christmas gifts in appreciation for their support of our activities. Thanks to Lee Bailey for delivering these cards.
Dues for 2022 are now due.
The meeting was adjourned at about 10:20 AM.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway