Orlando Buzzards
Minutes for February 2016 Meeting
This meeting was held on February 6 at the Christmas field. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by president Raed Elazzawi. Approximately 18 members and guests were present.
Minutes of the combined December/January meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s report was presented by treasurer Lewis Gray. 23 members have paid dues to date.
Old Business
FAA – “Drone” registration recently imposed by the FAA is being challenged by the AMA as redundant. The Buzzards will not be enforcing registration but will require safe flying habits as always in accordance with AMA guidelines. Current discussions of the FAA situation by AMA officials have been posted on the AMA web site.
Seminole College field access is permitted now that campus road construction is complete. However, the route from the new road to the path around the pond is not clear and needs to be discussed with campus officials.
New Business
New applicants Bob Windsor and Greg Templin were approved as members.
Meeting was adjourned at about 10:20.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway – Club Secretary