Orlando Buzzards
Meeting Minutes for August 3, 2013
The August meeting was held at the Barr Street field and called to order at 10:00 am by president Raed Elazzawi. 5 members were present. Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. Treasurer Lewis Gray reported te bank account balance. The club roster still lists 24 members. Old Business SSC field access – no word back from Kendra on our request for access when security not on duty. ALES contest proposal by Don Grisham for Buzzards host at Kennyworld in January – no updates yet from Don. New Business Upcoming contests include: - FSS #4 at Kennyworld on Sept 7&8. Pompano group will run event with our equipment. - Tangerine at Kennyworld on the weekend before Thanksgiving. Friday events will be ALES and RES. Raed suggested that we make an effort to commemorate this as the 40th year. Discussion included creating a sticker in sizes for auto and/or model. Raed will post a call to members to create an appropriate slogan. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:25 am. Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway, Club Secretary