Orlando Buzzards
Minutes for June 2021 Meeting
This meeting was held on June 5 at the Ft Christmas field and called to order at 10 AM by president Raed Elazzawi. Approximately 21 members and guests were present.
Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Lewis Gray. There are 39 members on the club roster.
Old Business
FSS 10 ALES contest was held at the Christmas field on May 15 with 9 pilots participating.
Mickey Nowell conducted a DLG contest on the weekend of 30 April at the LARKS field in Tavares that attracted 18 pilots, many of which were from out of state. He plans to repeat this event in late February and requested logistics support from the Buzzards.
New Business
New member Zack Swain was voted in.
Lee Bailey informed us that the St Augustine club may sell their mower for $1000 and it is superior to our current machine. The club approved the purchase of this mower and the sale of our old one.
Be aware that the Rocketry group will be on the field on June 27.
The field map posted on the club website will be updated to show boundaries for flight operations.
A practice contest is planned for June 12 to try Mickey’s proposed format for an F5J style event for 2 Meter RES electric sailplanes.
A member appreciation BBQ luncheon will be held at the field on June 19. Club family members are included. Raed will request an RSVP to determine how much food to order from the caterer.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 AM.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway