Orlando Buzzards
Meeting Minutes for November 8, 2014
The November meeting was held at the Christmas field and called to order at 10:15 am by president Raed Elazzawi. 5 members and 2 guests were present.
Minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer Lewis Gray could not attend the meeting, and submitted an absentee report.
Old Business
By Laws amendment- One month contest membership change to by laws submitted for vote and approved by all members present, Raed reported that Rick Eckel, Tom Galloway, and Lewis Gray are all in favor of approving the change.
New Business
Tangerine shirts- Raed submitted a motion for approval to spend up to $500 for Tangerine shirts, all members present approved motion.
Raed encourages all members to support our third annual FSS #7 “Toys For Tots” Dec 6-7.
Charlie Monroe mentioned “Threshold Autistic Children” center might be a good cause for a second charitable event we could host in the future. He has in the past supported the center.
Meeting was adjourned at about 10:30
Minutes submitted by Raed Elazzawi – Club President