Orlando Buzzards
Meeting Minutes for February 01, 2014
The February meeting was held at the college field and called to order at 10:00 am by vice-president Rick Eckel. 6 members were present.
Minutes of the January meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s report was presented by Lewis Gray, 26 members are paid up..
Old Business
Club is now officially incorporated with a corporate bank account. Raed filed our first annual report as required by the State of Florida.
The January 18 work party completed smoothing out the entrance road to the Christmas glider field.
The ALES event held at Kennyworld on Jan 25-26 had 12 flyers on Saturday and 16 on Sunday.
New Business
Raed now has a signed use agreement with the county for the Christmas field. The county Parks Department has received funding for soccer fields at this field but it may be a couple years before any construction starts. Therefore, we must encourage our members to show RC activity and promote the club to get more members and conduct more charity events.
Rick Eckel announced that the FSS clubs have approved bylaw changes to include ALES in FSS contests and also to establish new competition classes of Novice, Expert, and Master. Based on last year’s results, six flyers are designated for Master class.
Lewis Gray will develop prototype business cards for the club for review and approval. The contact information will feature the web site and RC Groups.
Access to the college field on a Saturday when the south gate is locked but the college is open can be obtained by calling Main Campus Security at 407 708-2178. The dispatcher at main campus will contact the Oviedo campus security guard to come out and unlock the gate. In the past, we could call the Oviedo guard directly but this is no longer the case.
New member voted in at this meeting: Bob Litwinski
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:35 am.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway, Club Secretary