This meeting was held on December 26 at the Christmas field. The meeting was called to order at 10:10 am by president Raed Elazzawi and declared to serve as the meeting for both December and January. Approximately 19 members and guests were present.
Minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s report was not available, proceeds from FSS4 had not been received. Tangerine financials also have yet to be reported.
Old Business
FSS#6 – Raed reported that 43 toys were submitted to “Toys for Tots” and that our Orange County contacts were happy with the club’s community contribution.
Signs – Lee Bailey presented the signs created for the Christmas entrance gate and entrance road to explain flying area limitations. These signs cost $25 each and will be mounted on posts. Lee also presented the new “Soaring Contest” signs which cost $130. The club authorized a maximum expenditure of $225 for these sign projects.
New Business
Dues – annual dues of $100 are due in January and should be mailed to Treasurer Lewis Gray.
FAA – “Drone” registration recently imposed by the FAA is being challenged by the AMA as redundant. The AMA recommends that we wait until the Feb 19 deadline to see what action is required by us.
72 MHZ Ops – The Christmas field only permits operations on 2.4 Ghz due to the proximity of the Rocket City club field unless they are informed of our intentions and agree. The Rocket City field is currently shut down due to a legal dispute but we should honor the clearance process anyway.
New applicants Brayden Chamberlin and Paul Ogne were approved as members.
Meeting was adjourned at about 10:30.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway – Club Secretary