Orlando Buzzards
Minutes for February 2015 Meeting
This meeting was held on February 07 at the Christmas field. The meeting was called to order at 10:20 am by president Raed Elazzawi. 14 members were present.
Minutes of the January meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer Lewis Gray presented the treasurer’s report. There are 18 paid members on the roster but more dues checks are coming in.
Old Business
Mowing plans for the Christmas field were discussed at length again. The county mows the whole general area four times per year but the sailplane operating area and the runway area need more frequent and closer mowing. Walter Orlik presented an analysis of the task and proposed to mow these areas based upon a rate of $40 per acre. He proposed to mow the sailplane and runway areas for $60 at least once a month with schedule adjustments according to growing conditions or as requested. Discussion augmented the proposal to address separate mowing where the sailplane area would be $50 per job and the runway would be $20 per job. The proposal was accepted by the members present.
New Business
Safety Coordinator – Doug Leonard was approved to replace Gordon Buckland in this official club position.
Gate Procedure – When the gate is left open it is possible for non-members to enter and wander away from the flying areas and they could be locked in when the last club member leaves for the day. Therefore, when only a few members are present, it was suggested that the gate be pulled closed with the chain on the post nail or locked.
Potential new member Tad Simmons was introduced.
Meeting was adjourned at about 10:45.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway – Club Secretary