Orlando Buzzards
Meeting Minutes for May 10, 2014
The May meeting was held at the Christmas field and called to order at 10:10 am by president Raed Elazzawi. 7 members were present.
Minutes of the April meeting were read and approved, subject to clarification on camping issue.
Treasurer Lewis Gray presented his treasurer’s report. Roster has 30 paid members.
Old Business
Porta potty – county wants this moved further away from the pond and we are awaiting guidance.
Sign – installed by work party on 26 April thanks to Lee Bailey and Don Dobbs.
Storage container – Raed reported that the item he looked at is not in usable condition. Suitable 20 ft containers in decent shape may cost around $1800.
Post and roof shelter – Doug Leonard provided drawings for our review. Initial estimate of materials cost is about $1800.00 at retail rates. A site plan is needed to show location. Raed will send the shelter sketch to the county representative (Matt Suedmeyer) for preliminary approval.
AMA insurance – we need to verify that copy of insurance renewal was provided to Matt.
New Business
Mowing – Lee and Don have been mowing the runway area but have found this to be too much work for them and recommend that the club find a local service. Also, the club has requested that the college field be mowed soon.
Camping – clarification from the county is needed to determine if camping during large contests can be permitted at the Christmas field.
Runway damage – hogs have done extensive damage to the Christmas field runway area. The group discussed how other clubs deal with this and Lee Bailey agreed to investigate solutions. Raed will ask member Andy Fox to bring his blade out to attempt to smooth the runway. Some sort of heavy roller is also needed.
College field is only open Monday through Thursday for the summer season.
An ALES contest will be held at the Christmas field on May 18. Don Grisham is CD.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:10 am.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway, Club Secretary