Orlando Buzzards
Meeting Minutes for March 16, 2013
The March meeting was held at the college field and called to order at 10:15 am by president Raed Elazzawi. 7 members were present.
Minutes of the February meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer Lewis Gray reported that the current balance. The club roster now lists 21 members and the college fee is paid up through June.
Old Business
A current club roster has been posted on the club Yahoo site.
Regarding Orange County Florida RC Association:
– Raed has set up a web site.
– Use Agreement has been extended. The Lease agreement is expected to be approved by the county council this coming week.
New Business
FSS #1 will be April 6 & 7 at the Christmas field. The Buzzards are helping the OCFRCA host this event. Lee Bailey will investigate porta-potty options.
FSS #2 will at Ocala on May 4 & 5. Pompano club will host it with Buzzards equipment.
Mid-South will be at Joe Nall field in South Carolina on Memorial Day weekend.
Raed described a new potential field near Wildewood, FL. This 24 acre site is owned by Girl Scouts of America and equipped as a camping site with facilities. Raed toured the site with a ranger and suggested that it might be a good place for a DLG event that could include demonstrations to Girl Scouts at STEM events.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:05 am.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway, Club Secretary