Orlando Buzzards
Meeting Minutes for December 21, 2013
The December meeting was held at the Christmas field and called to order at 10:10 am by president Raed Elazzawi. 12 members were present.
Minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s report was presented by Lewis Gray. 17 members are paid up and 2 more applications are in process.
Old Business
FSS #7 Toys for Tots contest produced 28 toys which was less than last year. Raed sent pictures to Orange County officials to publicize our civic commitment.
Two work parties were held during the past month to prepare and seed the new runway area.
The club is now officially incorporated in the state of Florida and the AMA has been notified.
Raed is coordinating a new facility/field use agreement with Orange County officials.
Members were reminded to be nice when explaining access restrictions to non RC persons encountered on the field.
New Business
Club must file with IRS for Tax Exempt status and pay the associated fee. Raed will check on who initiates this process (the Active Filing group that did the incorporating or one of our club officials).
It was suggested that we come up with a new nickname for the Christmas field to replace ‘OCFRCA’. This will be discussed at future meetings.
Interest is growing to add ALES events to FSS contests. This may be attempted as an experiment for FSS #1 on 29 March 2014.
A club sign is needed for the Christmas field entry gates – specifically want a 2 sided 3’x4’ sign mounted at the highway entrance. County permission is needed before taking action. Lee Bailey is researching vendors and costs for signs and backing materials.
Jody Miller and John Graves located a potential container suitable for equipment storage at the field. Raed will ask the county for permission to leave it on the field. He will also ask about allowing the club to construct a simple pole barn type shelter on the field near the runway.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:00 am.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway, Club Secretary