Orlando Buzzards
Minutes for August 2017 Meeting
This meeting was held on August 12 at the Fort Christmas field and called to order at 10:10 AM by president Raed Elazzawi. Approximately 12 members were present.
Minutes of the July 2017 meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Lewis Gray. Paid membership is 38.
Old Business
FSS4 dates changed to 23/24 September in order to not conflict with F-3J Team Select activities. FSS4 will be held at St Augustine field.
New Business
Upcoming events:
– FSS4A (ALES) will be October 7 at the Ft Christmas field.
The meeting was adjourned at about 10:20 AM. This was followed by a briefing on the F3K World Championship team experiences presented by Team Manager Mickey Nowell. Comments were also given by team members Dillon and Braydon.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway