Orlando Buzzards
Minutes for June 2018 Meeting
This meeting was held on June 2 at the Fort Christmas field and called to order at 10:00 AM by president Raed Elazzawi. Approximately 12 members plus some guests were present.
Minutes of the May 2018 meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Lewis Gray. Current balance is $7872.26. Paid membership is 32.
Old Business
Raed mentioned these recent events:
-FSS3A ALES at Ft Christmas field on May 19 managed to fly 4 rounds before the rains came.
-DLG event planned for May 20 was cancelled due to rain.
Rocket group was not aware of our porta potty so they are not sharing expenses. They use the park facilities.
New Business
Raed mentioned a letter to the club from the county parks management regarding unauthorized flying at the new soccer field. This transgression was not committed by club members but we were reminded to honor park rules or else risk loss of access.
The college field is only available on Monday through Thursday until mid-August.
Upcoming event mentioned:
-F3RES will be held at St Augustine field on July 14-15.
The meeting was adjourned at about 10:20 AM.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway