August 5, 2023
Attendees – approximately 14 members and 1 candidate member.
President Raed opened the meeting at 10:00a.
The minutes from the July 2023 meeting were read by member John. No changes were requested by the members, and the minutes were accepted as written.
The treasurer’s report was not read, as the treasurer was excused from the meeting.
Old Business
Member Keith discussed progress on finding a supplier for hats embroidered with the Buzzards logo. So far there has been no success due to the color complexity and size of the logo. Member Lee Bailey said that his wife owns an embroidery machine that can deliver the desired product. Ketih and Lee agreed to coordinate and report back at the next meeting.
President Raed reported that he is coordinating with the property owners regarding the Tangerine contest, and said that he will post on RC Groups when the arrangements are firmed up.
New Business
Kris Van Nostran was introduced as a former IRKS member submitting application for Buzzards membership. The members present approved Kris as member of the Buzzards.
Member Rusty Carver asked whether the Buzzards would be interested in hosting a table at the Maker Faire occurring the 1st weekend in November at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Sign up for tables closes at the end of August. President Raed agreed to gather more information.
Member Bill Staley announced that Lockheed Martin will host a STEM Day at the Orlando Science Center on 8/19/2023, in case members of the Buzzards would like to attend.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:20a.