Orlando Buzzards
Minutes for January 2022 Meeting
This meeting was held on January 15 at the Ft Christmas field and called to order at about 1010 AM by president Raed Elazzawi. Approximately 20 members were present.
Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Lewis Gray. So far, 27 members have renewed. There were 41 members on the roster at the end of last year. Financial analysis of Tangerine is still in preparation.
Old Business
A first aid kit is now hanging in the barn near the lawn mower. Raed will obtain a fire extinguisher also.
Park manager Stephanie requested more pictures of our activities to show use of the field to park upper management.
New Business
An F5J practice session is planned for Jan 22, weather permitting.
A major DLG contest is scheduled for 25-27 Feb at the LARKS field near Tavares, FL. This contest is cosponsored by the Buzzards and the Larks clubs. Proceeds will help support the USA Team F3K World Championship team. Details are posted on RC Groups and club members are encouraged to participate and assist.
FSS #2 ALES contest is scheduled for Feb 5 at the Ft Christmas field.
A discussion was initiated regarding club treasury funds in that the account balance seems to remain well above current operating expenses. Options could include reducing annual dues or investing a significant portion for future needs. General discussion considered investment as a prudent option in case the club has to pay for future field access. This topic was tabled for further analysis and discussion.
The meeting was adjourned at about 10:40 AM.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway