Each year Rich Kiburis kindly organizes and promotes a Florida soaring series with RES and 2M alternating. The series consists of four contests spread through the season and the points are added up after the 4th contest to declare a winner and two more place getters for each season. Rich organized some nice trophies for the top three and this more sedate soaring class is a lot of every two years. In 2011 two Rudder Elevator Spoiler events were at the Buzzards field and two at the IRKS field near Cocoa.
Flying Report on RES No 1. April 2011 Buzzards Oviedo.
Flying Report on RES No 2. June 25 2011 – IRKS
Flying Report on RES No 3. Aug 20 2011 – IRKS
The 4th event was cancelled and the final awards for the winners after three events were given at the Tangerine event.
Thank you Rich for your efforts in devising this popular series and also Kris for helping in the running of the contests