2M Challenge No 2. 06/23/12
So what a beautiful day Florida and the IRKS club turned on for us. No doubt there are some who missed out because they feared the weather might be gloomy. As it turned out there was no gloominess at all but just a beautiful day with comfortable temps and a gentle breeze. This made for light lift in many patches and only one round really produced large areas of falling air to down our 2m planes prematurely.
The CD was Steve Formanek and he did a great job with a low key contest and kept it moving along so we had actually finished 4 rounds and were having a lunch break before noon after starting around 10:00. Steve set the first round at 6 minutes and followed that by 4 rounds of 7 minutes and finished up with two rounds of 6 minutes. The landing zone was a runway job with a stick to measure your points at 100, 75, 50 or 25.
Was interesting the number of zeroes that were recorded in the LZ. Predominantly pilots coming up short. Plenty of birds were out to show us good air and plenty of good air was to be had but we couldn't all find it all the time.
I had put the pieces of my old 2M Duck back together after a vertical arrival from a battery failure last contest left her a little mangled. Though heavier now than before this fat Duck still floated around beautifully. In fact i am utterly convinced she flys better now than ever. She was good enough to get all her times bar one and score a few landing points to take the win. Kris Van Nosrtan flew his Sprite consistently to take second and Rick Eckel (who didn't have one of his best days missing a couple of maxes) finished third with his Sprite.
We have to thank Steve Formanek and Kris Van Nostran for doing a good job of organizing the contest. Thanks also to Raed who assisted with some of the winch issues during the day.
I don't know what we would do without Jerry OKeefe either who not only manned the gate to let us in but spent a lot of time cleaning the club BBQ in readiness for next weeks club picnic. Thanks Jerry. You are worth your weight in gold.
I look forward to the next 2M contest on Aug 18th also at the IRKS field.
CU There!
2012-2M Challenge No2 Round by Round scores