The Buzzards couldn’t have put on better weather if they ordered it in for the contest. It was simply a glorious day where air was either neutral bouyant or going up and rarely was there a moment where you could say “Oh S… I’m in sink. Some rounds were scored with almost every pilot getting their time (like 3 X 3 and last flight 5.) We used the Oleg self scoring method and it was great with no mishaps and meant that each round we had two flight groups of 6 and they were seeded at the start of each round by CD Raed.12 pilots came out to fly the event so that was awesome enough, but I am sorry we didn’t promote it better for a record turnout. We were honored to have a visitor from NC in Al Pernell – (thanks for coming Al) and Mickey Nowell who started flying DLG with us last year has been very busy recruiting some of the electric guys so he brought with him a great new prospect in Jeff Chase.:D Jeff flew awesome for a guy so new at it and I hope he brings more of his mates to our next one. Kris Van Nostran (an accomplished sailplane pilot entered his first contest and we thank him also for coming along to taste what DLG is all about. I really hope you new guys had a great time. We loved seeing you out there and you flew awesome.
The contest ran really smoothly with just a couple of mid air clips but no carnage and no dips in the pond and no tree landings – just Ricky peeing on someones scoresheet.:eek: . Although Roy B did land his plane in a tree before the contest started.:o The contest was really a 2 horse race with the two best pilots Ed White and Jody Miller duking it out all day. Jody led for quite a few rounds until he had a short flight in one of the 3 X 3’s and let Ed in front where he stayed until the end of the contest. This pair showed that their practice and contest flying during the last year has really paid off with great air reading and hardly a single mistake all day. ( I’ts hard to catch up when the competition keeps scoring 1000’s)
It really was fun to fly today and every time I do a DLG contest it gives me a such a thrill all day to throw these little gems into lift – but it’s not so thrilling once I get home as the pain sets in. (I must get fit.) My wife says “Don’t you DARE complain about your aches and pains when it’s self inflicted. I’ve told you not go running around throwing those DLG planes – you’ll really hurt yourself one day.”
Thanks Raed for putting the contest on and doind such a great job of running it. Thanks Jody for the fine trophies. And thanks to all who came – especially those who travelled like David from Gainesville and Ray A from Tampa etc. Come and join us again for some Tangerine DLG fun on the Friday after Thanksgiving. The trophies will be awesome and the weather a little cooler.
Here are the final scores after 7 rounds:
1- Ed White…Stoble…6957
2- Jody Miller…Sirius…6912
3- Gordon Buckland…Vixen…6604
4- David Forbes…Vixen…6518
5- Mickey Nowell…Predator…6508
6- Raed Elazzawi…Lighthawk…6317
7- Al Pernell…Edge…6132
8- Roy Berkelhammer…Vixen…5972
9- Ray Alonzo…Light Speed …5898
10- Rusty Carver…SWII…5534
11- Kris Vanostran…BlasterII…5402
12- Jeff Chase…Top Sky…4993