Orlando Buzzards
Minutes for March 2018 Meeting
This meeting was held on March 24 at the Oviedo college field and called to order at 10:10 AM by president Raed Elazzawi. Approximately 10 members were present.
Minutes of the February 2018 meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Lewis Gray. Current balance is $9117.29. Paid membership is 32.
Old Business
Raed mentioned these recent events:
-DLG contest in Gainesville on 16-18 Feb went well, much appreciated by northern visitors.
-FSS2 in St Augustine on 10-11 Mar was well run with a nice field and facility.
-Aero Tow at IRKS field on 24-25 Mar a small turnout with 10 gliders and 2 tow planes.
New Business
Upcoming events were mentioned:
-FSS2A ALES at Ft Christmas field on 7 Apr.
-F3RES event at Ft Christmas field on 14-15 Apr.
– FSS3 at Kenny World on 28-29 Apr.
There was some discussion of a roller or other means to smooth out part of the field roadway to make a better runway surface. Raed will check on renting a vibrating roller.
F3J Team Raffle – the club approved a donation of $500 to this cause. We have benefited with prizes in previous years.
The meeting was adjourned at about 10:30 AM.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway