FSS (Florida Soaring Society) 2011 Series
The Florida Soaring Society consists of a group of Florida RC Soaring Clubs with dedicated pilots who enjoy thermal duration flying. The FSS website can be visited here to learn more.
Regular contests are conducted with members from each of the clubs participating. These contests are hosted by member clubs throughout Central Florida.
Men and women of all ages and skills participate in the events. The goal is to have friendly get together’s, for all to enjoy and to promote the art of soaring. Another goal is to encourage new people to join us, as we are always willing to teach new members the wonders of Radio Control Soaring!
The FSS has it’s own website here.
Florida Soaring Society Contest #1 Sat Feb 5, 2011
Florida Soaring Society Contest #1 Sun Feb 6, 2011
Florida Soaring Society Contest #2 Sat/Sun Mar 13/14, 2011
Florida Soaring Society Contest #3 Sat Mar 26, 2011
Florida Soaring Society Contest #3 Sun Mar 27, 2011
Florida Soaring Society Contest #4 Sat Apr 16th, 2011
Florida Soaring Society Contest #4 Sun Apr 17th, 2011
Florida Soaring Society Contest # 5 Sat and Sun Sep 3 and 4, 2011
Florida Soaring Society Contest #6 Sat and Sun Oct 17 -18 2011
Great weather during 2011 saw all but one of the FSS events completed and a good year was enjoyed by everyone who competed. The real story is in the improvement of the Pompano Soaring fraternity. As some of the “old guard” in Central Florida age a bit and move on, the “younger” pilots from the South have really stepped up their game. Jamie Mercado, Paul Mittendorff and Mike Naylor have improved in leaps and bounds during the last 2 years. We look forward to meeting with this enthusiastic society of soaring groupies again in 2012.