Orlando Buzzards
Minutes for July 2015 Meeting
This meeting was held on July 11 at the Christmas field. The meeting was called to order at 10:05 am by president Raed Elazzawi. 9 members and guests were present.
Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved. There was no meeting in June.
Treasurer’s report was presented by Lewis Gray. There are 28 paid members on the roster.
Old Business
Thanks were expressed to Mickey for conducting the Summer Solstice DLG event last month.
Wind Sock was installed by Raed.
New Business
New members Paul Powers and Dave Dillman were voted in.
Planning must begin now for Tangerine scheduled for weekend before Thanksgiving in Ocala. A volunteer in needed now to set up the raffle.
A warning sign is needed at the entrance gate to advise visitors on flying limitations, particularly the No Fly Zone in the gate area and that RC flying is for members and guests only. Mickey will work with Lee Bailey to develop this sign.
Raed will add a page to the club web site for members to post items for sale.
Meeting was adjourned at about 10:25
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway – Club Secretary