Orlando Buzzards
Meeting Minutes for December 2014, meeting
The December meeting was held 29 November at the Christmas field. Actual December meeting dates were not available due to conflicts with scheduled contests. This meeting was called to order at 10:15 am by president Raed Elazzawi. 5 members and 1 guest were present.
Minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer Lewis Gray presented the treasurer’s report excluding the Tangerine data which he had only just received. There are 32 paid members on the roster.
Old Business
Tangerine was well attended in spite of windy conditions and some rain delays on Saturday. Raed has some left over tee shirts for sale.
The Toys for Tots/FSS #7 event is scheduled for Dec 6-7 at the Christmas field. The launch area needs to be mowed and Lee Bailey agreed to contact the mow person.
New Business
Winter Solstice DLG contest will be held at the Christmas field on Dec 13-14. Mickey Nowell is the CD and would appreciate any assistance from club members to help run the event – especially scoring.
Guest flyer Mark Snyder was welcomed and encouraged to join the club
Meeting was adjourned at about 10:30
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway – Club Secretary