Orlando Buzzards
Minutes for January 2015 Meeting
This meeting was held on January 10 at the Christmas field. The meeting was called to order at 10:15 am by president Raed Elazzawi. 10 members were present.
Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved with a – $10 correction to the reported balance.
Treasurer Lewis Gray presented the treasurer’s report including analysis of the Tangerine financial data. There are 12 paid members on the roster but more dues checks are coming in.
Old Business
Winter Solstice DLG contest held at the Christmas field in December had 14 entries each day. Better advertising is planned to draw more entrants, especially from outside Florida, for the next DLG events.
Mowing plans for the Christmas field were discussed at length. Lee Bailey stated that the crew led by Nancy Word did considerable extra work to finish close cutting in the sailplane launch area in that much raking and hauling of cuttings was performed to clear the area. Lee paid the crew an extra $60 for this effort. Nancy’s crew offered to continue mowing services but our discussion brought up concerns about insurance and lack of appropriate heavy duty equipment. Lee agreed to explore options with other mowing contractors and he offered to do some mowing himself after his trailer is built.
Lewis Gray passed around a card from Alvin’s widow in thanks of the club’s memorial donation to Hospice of the Comforter.
New Business
New members Mark Snyder and Mike Teders were voted in and welcomed to the club.
Tom Galloway noted that the 2015 FSS contest schedule has been posted. The first event to be hosted by the Buzzards is FSS #1 on the last weekend in March.
Meeting was adjourned at about 10:50.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway – Club Secretary