Orlando Buzzards
Minutes for November 2016 Meeting
This meeting was held November 12 at the Christmas field. The meeting was called to order at 10:15 AM by president Raed Elazzawi. Thirteen members were present, and one guest.
Minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer Report was not available.
Old Business
Work is continuing on improving the runway grass especially by Bill Staley.
ALES 3A was cancelled due to the hurricane on 8 October.
FSS 4 at San Felasco on 22/23 October had low t.urnout probably due to conflict with Atlanta DLG contest.
FSS 5 on 5/6 Nov was moved from IRKS to St Augustine where the local club has a new field. Contest was nicely set up and well organized.
New Business
Upcoming events mentioned:
– Tangerine at Kenny World (Ocala) on 18-20 November. Volunteer helpers will be much appreciated.
– Toys for Tots (FSS 6) scheduled for 3/4 December. Entry includes donation of new toy valued at more than $12.
– Sailplane Day planned for 17 December. Organizer Mickey Nowell especially wants to attract park flyer type hobbyists. Member support is requested to help publicize and work the event.
Raed asked the county to ensure that the field area was mowed by 17 December.
New member Danny Terry was voted in.
The meeting was adjourned at about 10:30 AM.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway – Club Secretary