Orlando Buzzards
Minutes for November 2018 Meeting
This meeting was held on November 3 at the Fort Christmas field and called to order at 10:05 AM by president Raed Elazzawi. Approximately 12 members were present.
Minutes of the August 2018 meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Lewis Gray. Current balance is $5256.98. Paid membership is 33.
Old Business
Recent past events were:
– FSS4 on September 15-16 at St Augustine
– ALES on October 6 at our Christmas field
College field storage sheds were cleaned out in August and the salvaged stuff was temporarily stored at a CubeSmart facility on Alafaya Trail. In October, this stuff was removed from storage and either disposed of or distributed to members for future club use. The two empty sheds were placed for sale on Craig’s List and a buyer has been found. Thanks to Lee Bailey and several other members for this effort.
Mower at Ft Christmas field has been replaced. Lee Bailey refurbished the old donated mower and sold it via Craig’s List. He then purchased a used 54” mower which has a good engine but was discovered to need refurbishment of the blades, tires, and steering. Lee took care of these issues. This mower does a good job but it requires care and training to operate.
Raed reported on the fun fly event held recently at Kenny World to distribute Kenny Godwin’s ashes by RC airplane. Kenny’s son Larry said that he would be happy to see us continue to hold contest events there.
New Business
Upcoming events are:
-Tangerine at Kenny World 16-18 Nov. Raed asked for help running the event.
-Toys for Tots FSS 6 at Ft Christmas Field 15-16 Dec. This is our community service event.
The meeting was adjourned at about 10:37 AM.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway agen�f�wO�T