Meeting minutes May 7th 2016
Orlando Buzzards
Minutes for May 2016 Meeting
This meeting was held on May 7 at the Christmas field. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by president Raed Elazzawi. Approximately 11 members were present.
Minutes of the April meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s report was not available.
Old Business
Raed summarized the FSS events held during April at our field (FSS-1A) and in Ocala (FSS-2).
New Business
Model Rockets – Club officers met with Adam Nehr who wants to conduct model rocket operations at the Christmas field. Mr. Nehr had already contacted the County Parks & Recreation people about using the field but they deferred to the Buzzards to coordinate use of the field. Mr. Nehr explained that he intends to conduct a disciplined activity with equipment for safety and tracking in order to mentor student groups from UCF and local high schools. He wants to operate in the runway area and will coordinate scheduling with the Buzzards. The rocket group must establish its own formal organization with liability insurance coverage before obtaining official permission for field use from Orange County.
F-3J World Championships – Several club members will again be participating in this event in early July and support was requested to help with team expenses. Therefore, a motion was approved to donate $500 to the U.S. team. Last year’s donation resulted in winning a raffle which netted the club even more money when the raffle prize was subsequently raffled again at one of our contests.
Club shirts – Raed has received the new shirts and will give them to Paul for printing the club logo on them. Members approved payment of $6 per shirt from club funds to cover printing costs.
Flight patterns – a general discussion was held concerning flight patterns on a busy day at the field. At issue was potential conflict between slow sailplanes and fast powered planes, especially during landing approaches. No formal rules were deemed necessary at this point but it was suggested that power planes should operate mostly on the upwind side of the flight area away from the nominal sailplane approach paths.
Meeting was adjourned at about 10:50.
Minutes submitted by Tom Galloway - Club Secretary