2010 Buzzards Christmas Party

Don and Pat Grisham hosted the Buzzards Christmas Party at their home in WinterHaven on Saturday evening. A very enjoyable evening was had by all who attended and it was great to see some of our wives really geting to know each other better. The assortment of hors d’oeuvres and wine and beer was fabulous as was the excellent meal enjoyed later. We were all very envious of Don’s fine toy shop with lots of space and many beautiful models on the wall. If you are looking to adopt anybody there are about 10 mature age blokes waiting in line. 🙂
We really didn’t know what to expect with your special gift give away but it got lots of hearty laughter and was a really fun exercise. Funny how the random No. 1 draw went to the new Pres. And funny how that nose skeg became so popular too. The whole night was such a success that I do hope we do something similar again soon. Thanks for putting the evening together Don and thankyou for your excellent hospitality Pat.
PS. Sorry I broke your wreath hanger. 🙁
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